Thursday, November 4, 2010


I'm finding the need to refocus. No...not my camera lens (but I have been having focus problems in that areas also). With all of the busy-ness of the school year, I have lost focus on those people that matter the most to me. I am finding that I spend all of my energy on people and things that do not really matter. And guess what? I don't have much energy to give to those that I love the most. So hopefully I can refocus and re-engergize as we head into an even busy time of the year. In fear of getting too mushy, I'll leave it at this: I love that little girl and handsome man.

Sunday, October 3, 2010

I feel a little inspiration coming on....

So I've been noticing silhouettes a lot lately and have been meaning to get around to making some of my own. So here is my first attempt. It takes just the right picture to make a good silhouette, so I had to dig up this one from earlier this summer. Now that I'm thinking of it, I'll have to take some pics that will work good for this. So what to do with this now? We'll just have to see...

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Moving a little slowly lately

I've been moving a little slowly are the three pieces I've been working on. This one used to have a yellow background and I decided to paint a landscape in the background instead of just a solid color. She is almost done. No title yet, but she seems quietly hopeful to me. Here is the next painting I've been working - an obvious mother and child. The background is a complete mystery for my right now. I think I will end up patterning a la Gustav Klimt, but I don't want it to look like a complete rip off. And here is the last one. Another mother and child, this time I started with the background so that I wouldn't get stuck, but I seem to be having more problems with the faces. I think the girl looks more grown up than the mother, so I am going to have to work on that one.
3 paintings and 2 days to go until they need to be finished. I was really productive last week, I spent so much time thinking and painting that I think I burned myself out a little bit. So it was back to the studio today for me.

Wednesday, June 30, 2010

I think I'm in love

Who knew a palette could cause such a stir, but I think I'm in love. So what is so special about this palette? I won't waste your time with super dorky stuff, but just trust me!

I have started my summer painting class at NIU. It is exactly what I thought it would be and yet nothing like I thought it would be. It is a challenge to say the least. I am being stretched farther than I imagined. Here is my first painting "You are Safe". A little 'craftsy' for a 'real' art class, but I'm going with it! This is my second painting...ok, I confess, it is not quite finished. I still have to add some text and do a little touch up. It's for my mama....I planned on having it done a little sooner, but better late than never.And here is number 3. It is in progress. I'm not quite sure where it will go next. It is interesting and exciting to be so enthralled in my artwork...I'm not sure if I have ever been this productive since my undergrad. Every spare minute I go to my studio and paint or work on ideas, prepare panels to paint on, or research ideas. I can't wait to see what happens!

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Things Ava Loves

Here is a little taste of what it is like to be Ava right now. It is so amazing to see things through her eyes.

template courtesy of paislee press.

Sunday, May 2, 2010

Baby Shower Success!

Today was the big day! It was Heidi's baby shower (and Heidi & Bob's 1st year anniversary)! Above is the picture of the invitation for the "Feather Her Nest" baby shower theme. It was so fun to decorate! Our house became a vision in teal green (and yes, it is teal green and not blue...for those thinking that Heidi knows the sex of the baby, but just happened to neglect to tell everyone). Instead of a card, we asked guests to bring a book for the baby. We started quite a library for baby!

Below are a few of the decorations. Before you say, "Lizzie, you're so talented", you must know that Andrea (a.k.a. the best mother-in-law in the world) did most of it. I basically provided the location. The house was simply beautiful! We had such a fun time and everything went so smoothly. Can't wait for that little one to arrive!

In other news: Here is the evolution of my painting...I hate to say that it is finished, because there are things that I'd like to touch up, but I doubt that I'll end up working on it any never know.

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Painting Update - 3 days left

Here's where I'm at. My painting is due on Tuesday night, so I guess I have 3 days left to finish it...the only technicality is that I have to work two of those days, so it is really like I've got 1 day and 2 nights (after Ava goes to bed of course). That's not all though...I have to write an artist statement, 3 lecture summaries, 2 artist biographies and 4 journal entries. This is the procrastination that I was talking about earlier on Facebook.

"It looks finished to me", you say. Well, those white blobs at the top are supposed to be peacock feathers, the grass and all of the tree branches need a second coat. And then there is endless touch ups, resolving my contrast and color balancing issues.

Monday, April 12, 2010

I've finally been pretty productive/creative lately. Having a master's class that requires you to create artwork will do that to you. While this may look like an ordinary doll, it is in fact a serious art doll. Ok, not so serious, but I still love her. I made this little girl for my little girl. Attempts to acquaint the two have been unsuccessful as of yet. I am sure that eventually Ava will love her!

Here is my next bit of creativity:

Another assignment for my class is to create an 'art project' that incorporates the influences of a couple of African American Female Artists. So here is my interpretation. I was inspired by Emma Amos because I am truly seeking to find that emotional connection to my artwork now more than ever. I was also inspired stylistically to Minnie Evans - I don't think it is hard to see the connection to her artwork. I actually started this painting before Ava was born. I had the drawing done and a little bit of the wings on the right painted, but not much else. There is a 'mama' and baby figure in the center (that's Ava and I), the butterfly and wings represent change and growth. Overall, it is about love and nurturing. I am thinking of adding a tree with roots to represent my family tree of sorts. So I've been chugging along on it. It is due in a week...I've got a lot more work to do.

On the home front, I finally finished painting the kitchen. I had painted the 'bump out' a different color, but I just didn't like it. So I painted yesterday. Amazing how a little rest and relaxation will get you fired up to conquer the world.

And where did I find all of this energy? Well, it actually did start before Spring Break, but spending time in Maui sure did help! These are my two sweethearts - you couldn't find a better pair for love and inspiration (and lots of snuggles too).

Sorry for the somewhat incoherent post, but I wanted to share what I've been up to lately. Enjoy!

Sunday, January 10, 2010

I've gotta get my butt in gear

With the new year (and a new house) there are so many things swirling through my mind....things I want to get done, things I'd like to make. The list seems to get longer by the day. While writing the final for one of my classes, I stumbled across this artist, Mike Stilkey:
Are you kidding me? This is awesome! So somewhere inside of me a little voice says "I should have thought of that" (or better yet) "I can do that." And then I start thinking of how I can gather old books and what I could paint on them and where I could put it in the house.
But here is what is standing in my way...

Projects I've already started in the house, or rather projects I've been thinking about starting have got me at a roadblock. I've been trying to figure out the kitchen of course. We spend the most amount of time in here and I hate (well, maybe not hate, but seriously dislike) the color yellow. I've had fabric swatches hanging up for about 2 months, hoping to get inspiration. I'm thinking of lime green, teal or a grayish blue.
Here is another project I'm in the middle of. I actually started painting this book case. The top is almost done and I'm not sure what to do next. My mom has painted a lot of cute pieces of furniture and now I've got the bug. Why have a plain white bookcase when you can have a totally cute painted one?
So here are just two things that pop in my mind. If I do anything, it should be these things, right? Not that simple though, because the really funbuster is work. Here is what I REALLY should be doing: writing a final for Tuesday.
Why is it that the not so fun stuff seems to win? I let you know how the other projects go. ;)